Register now by Thursday noon, March 26 to attend a Sunday Afternoon Tea by Zoom ($5) at home this Sunday, March 28 (2-3:15 PM) or by Dine-In ($26.50) at The Betsy Shoppe beginning at 12:30-3:30 PM. We will together view and discuss the first showing of course segments from "DIY Weekend Gardens". (The second showing will be Sunday, May 2.) See DIY Weekend Gardens flyer for details.
The second showing of "The Flower Kitchen" will also be by Zoom or by Dine-In on Sunday April 11 as described above and detailed in its flyer.
All proceeds go to the educational and charitable volunteer pursuits of District VII of the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania.
Area Flex-time workers and all who like gardening, you are invited to join the Garden Club of Monroeville! Our club's next meeting is monthly on the fourth Tuesday, March 23, 4:30-6:30 PM, by Zoom and in person at Bethel Presbyterian Church hall on Beatty Road. Our program will be the care and pruning of "Roses".
925 Wood Street
Pitcairn, PA 15140
925 Wood Street
Pitcairn, PA 15140